Retail Coupon

Some festive joy for our retail partners this holiday season!

Between December 1 - December 24, 2022, your customers can use a printable coupon to receive $15 OFF a large bag of Smack Pet Food at their nearest retailer.

How does the coupon work?

  • The coupon is accessible online, where customers simply print it off and bring it in-store to claim their deal.

How will the coupon be promoted?

  • We'll promote the coupon on our social media, and through our email list.
  • You can promote this coupon by embedding it on your retail website and/or promoting it through your email newsletters and social media. You can also share it as a link for your customers:
    • PLEASE NOTE: In order for them to print, they must be at a unique IP address (e.g. their own home) as the system only allows 1 print per person

What will you (our retail partner) need to do?

  • Provide customers with their $15 discount and retain their printed coupon. Note: There is a limit of one coupon per customer. (Please be sure to share this information with your employees.)
  • For reimbursement, retailers must email a list of coupon PINs redeemed at their store(s) during the promotional period, along with a copy of the receipts showing the redeemed discount. Once received, Smack Pet Food will provide the retailer with store credit to be applied to future purchases. Send them to .

Here's how the coupon will look:

Promotional materials for you to use:

To display this coupon on your retail website, simply copy and paste this coding into an HTML block or section of your site:

<script id="propodEmbedec8a1e6723f87f67b8e5365d01c4926b600a2e8c" src=""></script>

Social media post (download and share!):

Have a question? Contact us at